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Maori Fortifications

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Date Дата: 21 июля 2010 | Смотрели Maori Fortifications Просмотров: 1027
Maori Fortifications

Автор: Ian Knight
Название: Maori Fortifications
Издательство: Osprey Publishing
Год: 2009
Формат: PDF (rar+3%)
Размер: 9,79 Мб
Язык: Английский
Количество страниц: 225
Описание: The Maori people of New Zealand were experienced field engineers and it was common practice to protect villages with surrounding entrenchments and wooden palisades, known as pas. However, it was not until 1845, with the first fighting between the Maori and the British, that it became clear just how strong and sophisticated the Maori fortifications were. For the best part of 20 years, the Maori held off the dominant and technologically superior British forces, by adapting and developing their defences in response to new British assaults. This book explores the evolution and design of Maori fortifications, and charts the course of a conflict that would ultimately see the British break the Maori pas, leading to a bitter guerrilla bush war.

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