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Категория: Разное |
![]() Бестселлер Роман написан одним из популярнейших немецких авторов, перу которого принадлежат десятки бестселлеров, изданных практически по всему миру и не менее читаемых, чем романы А. Хейли или И. Шоу. |
Категория: Разное, Аудиокниги Разное |
![]() This book provides an integrated treatment of the structure and function of nucleic acids, proteins, and glycans, including thorough coverage of relevant computational biochemistry. The text begins with an introduction to the biomacromolecules, followed by discussion of methods of isolation and purification, physiochemical and biochemical properties, and structural characteristics. The next section of the book deals with sequence analysis, analysis of conformation using spectroscopy, chemical synthesis, and computational approaches. |
Категория: Разное |
![]() Exploring Theatre focuses on the development of the total student, which includes developing personal resources, self-confidence, the ability to work well with others, and a life-long appreciation of theater |
Категория: Разное, Аудиокниги Разное |
![]() Ever notice that-in spite of their pervasiveness-designing web applications is still challenging? While their benefits motivate their creation, there are no well-established guidelines for design. This often results in inconsistent behaviors and appearances, even among web applications created by the same company. |
Категория: Разное, Аудиокниги Разное |
![]() The Encyclopedia of American Journalism explores the distinctions found in print media, radio, television, and the internet |
Категория: Разное, Аудиокниги Разное |
![]() A Guide to Analog Signal Conditioning. Using transducers and how to condition signals for analog devices in digital circuits. Circuit diagrams and layouts are illustrated. About the electrical aspects of commonly used transducers that sense temperature, force, pressure, level, flow etc. To provide analog information in a form conveniently usable by a system, for readout, further analog transmission or processing, or conversion to digital -- signal conditioning is usually requred, e.g., amplification, filtering, isolation, offsetting, linearizing, and providing excitation. |
Категория: Разное, Аудиокниги Разное |
![]() Although long out of date, Bernard Karlgren's "Grammata Serica Recensa" (1957) remains the most convenient work for looking up Middle Chinese (ca. A.D. 600) and Old Chinese (before 200 B.C.) reconstructions of all graphs that occur in literature from the beginning of writing (ca. 1250 B.C.) down to the third century B.C. In the present volume, Axel Schuessler provides a more current reconstruction of Old Chinese, limiting it, as far as possible, to those post-Karlgrenian phonological features of Old Chinese that enjoy some consensus among today's investigators. At the same time, the updating of the material disregards more speculative theories and proposals. Schuessler refers to these minimal forms as "Minimal Old Chinese" (OCM). He bases OCM on Baxter's 1992 reconstructions but with some changes, mostly notational. In keeping with its minimal aspect, the OCM forms are kept as simple as possible and transcribed in an equally simple notation. Some issues in Old Chinese phonology still await clarification; hence interpolations and proposals of limited currency appear in this update.Karlgren's Middle Chinese reconstructions, as emended by Li Fang-kuei, are widely cited as points of reference for historical forms of Chinese as well as dialects. |
Категория: Разное |
![]() Данное пособие представляет профессиональный базовый курс, в который вошли основные разделы современного менеджмента. |
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