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The Quintessential PIC® Microcontroller (Computer Communications and Networks).

Категория: Аппаратура

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Date Дата: 15 июля 2010 | Смотрели The Quintessential PIC® Microcontroller (Computer Communications and Networks). Просмотров: 1084
The Quintessential PIC® Microcontroller (Computer Communications and Networks).

Название: The Quintessential PIC® Microcontroller (Computer Communications and Networks)
Автор: Sid Katzen
Серия: ---
Издательство: Springer
Год выпуска: 2003 год
Страниц: 486 страниц
Язык: Английский
Формат файла: RAR/PDF
Размер файла: 2.9 MB
Book DescriptionThe Quintessential PIC® Microcontroller looks at one of the central technologies in many embedded computer and communication systems: the microcontroller. It approaches microcontrollers as the "intelligence" of smart digital systems and gives readers the confidence to design, construct and program a real working system using the popular PIC device as the exemplar. Written specifically for students with no prior knowledge of computing, electronics, or logic design, it is ideally suited as a textbook for relevant modules on Computer Science and Electronic Engineering degree courses. It is also relevant to students carrying out project work at final year undergraduate and postgraduate level, and to those on conversion MScs. Key featuresinclude:- The use of real-world hardware and software products to illustrate the material- Numerous fully worked examples and self-assessment questions- An associated web site providing solutions, further examples, and useful resources- Clear and concisepresentation of key points and underlying concepts.

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