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Rogova G.V. - Methods of Teaching English

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Date Дата: 6 февраля 2019 | Смотрели Rogova G.V. - Methods of Teaching English Просмотров: 1021
Rogova G.V. - Methods of Teaching English

Автор:Rogova G.V.
Название:Methods of Teaching English
ISBN: 0-582-43825-X
Размер: 56МВ

Предлагаемая книга представляет собой курс лекций по методике преподавания английского языка и предназначена для студентов педагогических институтов.
В ней нашли отражение следующие вопросы: цели и задачи обучения иностранному языку, обзор основных направлений методики, содержание обучения, организация школьного обучения, контроль знаний учащихся, внеклассная работа, обучение иностранному языку дошкольников и младших школьников.
От автора.
Part. General Problems of Foreign Language Teaching.
Methods of Foreign Language Teaching and Its Relation to Other Sciences.
A Brief Review on Foreign Language Teaching.
The Grammar-Translation Method.
The Direct Method.
Contemporary Methods.
Soviet Method of Foreign Language Teaching.
Aims, Content and Principles of Foreign Language.
Teaching in a Secondary (Ten-Year) School.
Aims of Teaching.
Content of Foreign Language Teaching.
Principles of Foreign Language Teaching.
Teaching Aids and Teaching Materials.
Teaching Aids.
Teaching Materials.
Part. Teaching Various Aspects of the Language and Forming Skills.
Teaching Pronunciation.
The Importance of Correct Pronunciation in Language Learning.
The Difficulties in English Pronunciation Usually Experienced by Russian-Speaking Pupils.
The Content of Teaching Pronunciation.
How to Teach Pronunciation.
Teaching Vocabulary.
The Importance of Teaching Vocabulary.
Difficulties Pupils Experience in Assimilating Vocabulary Psychological and Linguistic Factors Which Determine the
Process of Teaching Vocabulary.
How to Teach Vocabulary in School.
Teaching Grammar.
The Importance of Grammar in Learning a Foreign Language.
The Most Common Difficulties Pupils Have in Assimilating English Grammar.
The Content of Teaching Grammar.
How to Teach Grammar.
Teaching Hearing and Speaking.
Oral Language as an Aim and a Means of Teaching.
The Most Common Difficulties in Auding and Speaking a Foreign Language.
Speech and Oral Exercises.
Psychological Characteristics of Speech.
Linguistic Characteristics of Speech.
How to Teach Oral Language.
Prepared and Unprepared Speech.
Evaluating Pupils’ Speech Habits.
Mistakes and How to Correct Them.
Teaching Reading.
Reading as an Aim and a Means of Teaching and Learning a Foreign Language.
The Content of Teaching Reading.
Some Difficulties Pupils Have in Learning to Read in the English Language.
How to Teach Reading.
Mistakes and How to Correct Them.
The Role and Place of Translation in Teaching a Foreign Language.
Types of Translation Used in Foreign Language Teaching.
Writing as a Skill.
Difficulties Pupils Have in Learning to Write English.
How to Teach Writing.
Part. Organization of Teaching.
Planning in Foreign Language Teaching.
The Necessity for Planning and the Approach to the Problem.
Unit Planning.
Planning a Class-Period.
The Essential Course in the Secondary School.
Optional Course.
The Aims of the Optional Course.
The Organization of the Optional Course.
The Content of the Optional Course.
Extra-Curricular Work.
The Role of Extra-Curricular Work in Language Learning in School.
How to Organize Extra-Curricular Work in Foreign Languages.
The Content of Extra-Curricular Work and How to Conduct It.
Testing and Evaluating Pupils’ Achievement.
The Importance of Testing and Evaluating Pupils’ Achievement.
Testing Language Skills and Language Knowledge.
Evaluating Pupils’ Achievement.
Teaching English to Pre-School Children and Children in a Primary School.
Aims of Teaching.
Content of Teaching.
Method and Techniques of Teaching Pre-School Children.
Russian-English List of Words and Expressions Used in Foreign Language Teaching.

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