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Financial English (BBC Wordwide)

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Date Дата: 11 февраля 2019 | Смотрели Financial English (BBC Wordwide) Просмотров: 472
Financial English (BBC Wordwide)

Название:Financial English (BBC Wordwide)
Издательство:British Broadcasting Corporation
Размер: 109МВ
Длительность:1 час 56 минут
Качество: 128 kbps 44kHz
Язык: Русский

Аудиокурс делового английского языка. 12 уроков общей продожительностью. FINANCIAL ENGLISH is a language practice book for anyone learning about or working in finance. It is designed for students preparing for careers in business and finance as well as for people already working who wish to improve their English in this specialized field. It is suitable for learners at Intermediate level and above. The book can be used as the core material for a course, and also by students working alone. FINANCIAL ENGLISH covers: Numbers; Accounting; Banking; Corporate Finance; and, Trade and Economics. The units present and explain the fundamental concepts of the different areas of finance, and define essential vocabulary and terminology, as well as common financial idioms and metaphors. FINANCIAL ENGLISH contains a full answer key.

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