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Richard A. Spears, Betty Birner, Steven Kleinedler - Conversational American English

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Date Дата: 20 марта 2019 | Смотрели Richard A. Spears, Betty Birner, Steven Kleinedler - Conversational American English Просмотров: 411
Richard A. Spears, Betty Birner, Steven Kleinedler - Conversational American English

Автор:Richard A. Spears, Betty Birner, Steven Kleinedler
Название:Conversational American English / Разговорный американский английский
Издательство:McGraw Hill
ISBN: 978-0-07-174132-3
Размер: 24МВ

Пособие по разговорному американскому английскому. Более 3000 выражений с примерами.
Learn more than 3,000 English expressions and speak and understand the language easily
As a new speaker of English, you may hear some expressions in your daily conversations that you do not understand--yet. McGraw-Hill's Conversational American English will help you learn these expressions, so not only do you know what a person is saying to you, but that you can use the expression yourself! More than 3,000 expressions are organized by theme, so you can find what you are looking for quickly. And each topic is illustrated to further help you understand context.

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