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Fleisher J, Robinson А. - The Princeton Review Word Smart - Building a More Educated Vocabulary

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Date Дата: 5 октября 2017 | Смотрели Fleisher J, Robinson А. - The Princeton Review Word Smart - Building a More Educated Vocabulary Просмотров: 434
Fleisher J, Robinson А. - The Princeton Review Word Smart - Building a More Educated Vocabulary

Автор:Fleisher J, Robinson А.
Название: The Princeton Review Word Smart - Building a More Educated Vocabulary
Издательство: Living Language
Год: 2001
Формат: МР3+PDF
Размер: 265МВ

Аудиокурс английского языка. This sets contains 5 CDs, each one goes over about 50 words. Good number of the words on these recordings seem to be on a high-school level, though.
The first CD covers the vocabulary related to: All or Nothing; I love you ... I hate you; The Naughty and the Nice.
The second CD coverts the vocabulary related to: The Long and the Short of It; The Mighty and the Meak; You Help Me, Then You Hurt Me.
The third CD covers the vocabulary related to: True or False; From the Sublime to the Ridiculous; Something Old, Something New.
The fourth CD covers the vocabulary related to: Alone or Together; Now You See It, Now you Don't; The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same.
The fifth CD covers the vocabulary related to: Park and Ride; Shadows and Light.
The recordings are very entertaining to listen to. After defining the words, they are dramatized, often in a humorous way, adding fun to the learning process.

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