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Charles Austin Beard - History of the United States. Vol. I - VII (Аудиокнига)
Категория: Художественные аудиокниги
Дата: 28 августа 2017 | Просмотров: 424
Charles Austin Beard was the most influential American historian of the early 20th century. He published hundreds of monographs, textbooks and interpretive studies in both history and political science.
He graduated from DePauw University in 1898, where he met and eventually married Mary Ritter Beard, one of the founders of the first greek-letter society for women, Kappa Alpha Theta. Many of his books were written in collaboration with his wife, whose own interests lay in feminism and the labor union movement (Woman as a Force in History, 1946).
In 1921, Charles and Mary Beard published their History of the United States. A contemporaneous review stated: The authors… assume enough maturity in high school students to justify a topical rather than a chronological treatment. They have dealt with movements, have sketched large backgrounds, have traced causes, and have discussed the interrelation of social and economic forces and politics. All this has been directed to the large purpose of helping the student to understand American today in all its national characteristics and as part of world civilization as well…The literary style is exceptionally clear and crisp, and the whole approach…is thought producing. As a textbook or handbook for the average citizen it ranks with very best.
Название: History of the United States. Vol. I - VII
Автор: Charles Austin Beard
Издательство: LibriVox
Эту книгу озвучил: LibriVox Volunteers
Год выпуска: 2007 - 2011
Жанр: Non-fiction, History
Аудио кодек: mp3
Битрейт аудио: 128 kbps
Продолжительность: 20:43:53
Качество: Отличное
Размер: 1350 Мб
Язык: Английский
He graduated from DePauw University in 1898, where he met and eventually married Mary Ritter Beard, one of the founders of the first greek-letter society for women, Kappa Alpha Theta. Many of his books were written in collaboration with his wife, whose own interests lay in feminism and the labor union movement (Woman as a Force in History, 1946).
In 1921, Charles and Mary Beard published their History of the United States. A contemporaneous review stated: The authors… assume enough maturity in high school students to justify a topical rather than a chronological treatment. They have dealt with movements, have sketched large backgrounds, have traced causes, and have discussed the interrelation of social and economic forces and politics. All this has been directed to the large purpose of helping the student to understand American today in all its national characteristics and as part of world civilization as well…The literary style is exceptionally clear and crisp, and the whole approach…is thought producing. As a textbook or handbook for the average citizen it ranks with very best.
Название: History of the United States. Vol. I - VII
Автор: Charles Austin Beard
Издательство: LibriVox
Эту книгу озвучил: LibriVox Volunteers
Год выпуска: 2007 - 2011
Жанр: Non-fiction, History
Аудио кодек: mp3
Битрейт аудио: 128 kbps
Продолжительность: 20:43:53
Качество: Отличное
Размер: 1350 Мб
Язык: Английский
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