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Rourke's World of Science Encyclopedia

Категория: Детские

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Date Дата: 11 мая 2010 | Смотрели Rourke's World of Science Encyclopedia Просмотров: 1014
Rourke's World of Science Encyclopedia

Rourke’s World of Science Encyclopedia teaches the essential concepts for elementary school science instruction. This comprehensive set helps students with the transition from K-4 to 5-8 grade level studies. From basic objects in the sky, life-cycles, and properties of earth materials to the more advanced, structures of living systems, forces and motion and science technology, students will find what they need
Название Rourke's World of Science Encyclopedia
Автор: Luana Mitten
Издательство: Rourke Publishing
Год: 2008
Страниц 464
Размер: 42,4 Мб
Формат: PDF
Язык: Английский

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