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Watercolour Secrets (Секреты акварели)

Категория: Детские

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Date Дата: 31 мая 2010 | Смотрели Watercolour Secrets (Секреты акварели) Просмотров: 2575
Название: Watercolour Secrets: Tips & Techniques to Make Watercolour Painting Easier and More Enjoyable (Секреты акварели)
Автор: Bob Davies
Издательство: self-published
Год выпуска: 2009
Страниц: 59
Иллюстрации: Цветные
Язык: English
Качество: отличное (изначально компьютерное)
Формат: PDF + FLV
Размер файла: 85.2 Мб
прекрасное пошаговое руководство в рисунках по рисованию акварелью. Неотъемлемой частью книги являются видео-дополнения, где автор книги все подробно объясняет и показывает на деле. Оказывается, рисовать акварелью не так уж сложно! Издание отлично подойдет и взрослым, и детям.
This e-book will help make you better at watercolour painting. While it was written with beginners in mind, if you’ve dabbled with watercolours for some time, and feel frustrated with your results, this e-book will help you too.
I’m a great believer that anyone can be taught how to paint... or draw... or be “artistic”. I know from many years of firsthand experience that you don’t have to be blessed with a God-given talent.
My goal with the Watercolour Secrets series is to get you quickly and enjoyably to a point where you can consistently create eye-catching watercolours - watercolours that please you, that satisfy you, that fill you with pride when you show them to friends and family.
I was frustrated by art at school... I was taught about “concepts”, “themes” and “expression” but no one ever showed me the nuts and bolts of art. Nobody told me how to mix colours or when to apply wet paint to damp paper or how to break a complex object down into simple shapes. Nope... I was supposed to pick the basics up as I went along. You’ll find that Watercolour Secrets is the polar opposite to this approach. Every lesson, whether it’s in this e-book or one of our many videos, shows you HOW. I don’t assume, like my schoolteachers did, that you’ll “just pick it up”. It’s amazing what you can achieve when you’re shown step-by-step. I’m convinced, having seen the results that complete beginners have achieved after following the Watercolour Secrets series, that most skills in life can be acquired by all of us. I promise, that with a little bit of practice (not years of trial and error) you’ll see great results - and quickly too.

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