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Early Medieval Architecture as Bearer of Meaning

Категория: Дизайн и графика

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Date Дата: 22 апреля 2010 | Смотрели Early Medieval Architecture as Bearer of Meaning Просмотров: 877
Early Medieval Architecture as Bearer of Meaning

Probably the most important contribution to understanding [the] history of architecture... The content of the work is so comprehensive, the author's excursions into related fields shed light onto so many new and surprising relationships, that it is impossible even to enumerate the variety of the historical, aesthetic, and philosophical aspects of the book." -- Paul Zucker, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism "It makes a timely, welcome addition to essential library holdings in those areas... Highly recommended." -- Choice "Thanks to Kendall Wallis's careful translation the English-speaking world now has the opportunity to rediscover ideas that have endured for more than half a century.
Название Early Medieval Architecture as Bearer of Meaning
Автор Gunter Bandmann, Gunter Bandmann, Kendall Wallis
Издательство Columbia University Press
Страниц 352
Год 2003
Формат PDF
Размер 58 MB
Язык Английский

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