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Photoshop CS4 for Nature Photographers: A Workshop in a Book

Категория: Дизайн и графика

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Date Дата: 22 апреля 2010 | Смотрели Photoshop CS4 for Nature Photographers: A Workshop in a Book Просмотров: 1020
Photoshop CS4 for Nature Photographers: A Workshop in a Book

Using field-tested methods and practical instruction in both Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, this book reveals eye-opening techniques, terrific workflow ideas, and timesaving ways to apply a broad array of Photoshop tools to optimize digital images of nature. You’ll encounter spectacular photographs from exotic places around the world shot by the authors, as well as tips and examples from some of the most esteemed professional nature photographers.
Название: Photoshop CS4 for Nature Photographers: A Workshop in a Book
Автор: Ellen Anon, Josh Anon
Издательство: Sybex
Год: 2009
Формат: PDF
Размер: 30,7 MB
Страниц :483
Язык: английский

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