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Knitted Fruit

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Date Дата: 21 июня 2018 | Смотрели Knitted Fruit Просмотров: 386
Knitted Fruit

Книга по вязанию спицами. Вяжем фрукты и ягоды: яблоки, бананы. киви, лимоны, арбузы, клубничку и мн. др.
Perfect for gifts, play aids, or simple amusements for family and friends, this mouthwatering collection presents a variety of fruit-inspired knitting patterns. From apples and mangoes to grapes and bananas, this guide includes quick and simple projects as well as more complex and challenging concepts, all requiring only basic craft materials and tools. With 20 unique designs and variations based on the same methods, this handbook is ideal for crafters of all skill levels.

Название: Knitted Fruit
Автор: Susie Johns
Издательство: Search Press
Год: 2011
Формат: jpg
Размер: 53 mb
Страниц: 102
Язык: английский

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