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Frommer's Buenos Aires Day by Day (Frommer's Day by Day - Pocket)

Категория: Дом и семья

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Date Дата: 6 мая 2010 | Смотрели Frommer's Buenos Aires Day by Day (Frommer's Day by Day - Pocket) Просмотров: 666
Frommer's Buenos Aires Day by Day (Frommer's Day by Day - Pocket)

Buenos Aires has long been known as one of the world's most beautiful cities, but in the past it was too expensive for many South American tourists. With the devaluation of the Argentine currency following the country's 2001 financial crisis, suddenly affordable prices and a blossoming of local culture has made the city one of the world's most popular and vibrant cities.
Frommer's Buenos Aires Day by Day will guide readers through this new Buenos Aires, quickly and with an insider's knowledge of the one-of-a-kind experiences that lurk in the city's inviting neighborhoods. The book will be filled with tips and itinerary suggestions, like walking tours of historic San Telmo, the best places for tango lessons, and where to uncover the flourishing Argentine cuisine and fashions. With hundreds of original color photos, dozens of annotated maps, thematic tours for every taste and star-rated advice on where to eat, stay, shop, and have fun, this book is the perfect accompaniment to any visit to the city.
Название Frommer's Buenos Aires Day by Day (Frommer's Day by Day - Pocket)
Издательство Frommers
Автор Neil E. Schlecht
Год 2007
Страниц 192
Размер 14,6 Mb
Формат PDF
Язык Английский

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