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Crochet Journey: A Global Crochet Adventure from the Guy with the Hook

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Date Дата: 6 ноября 2022 | Смотрели Crochet Journey: A Global Crochet Adventure from the Guy with the Hook Просмотров: 159
Crochet Journey: A Global Crochet Adventure from the Guy with the Hook

Вязание крючком и путешествия... эти две страсти объединил талантливый дизайнер Mark Roseboom в этой изысканной книге по вязанию крючком. За последние десять лет Mark много путешествовал. Он видел и извлекал уроки из различных культур, религий и образа жизни. В "Crochet Journey" есть 12 проектов Марка, такие как - шаль Ривенделл из Новой Зеландии, ковер Санта-Мария-Маджоре из Италии, подушка для булавок Камакура из Японии, мандала Назар из Турции, шарф Fading Light из Гренландии, пуф Rituals из Индии, шаль La Boca из Аргентины и многое другое. Проекты содержат полные письменные инструкции в американских терминах вязания крючком, схемы и советы.

Crocheting and travelling… these two passions have been brought together by talented designer Mark Roseboom - aka The Guy with the Hook - in this exquisite crochet book. Mark has traveled extensively in the last ten years. He has seen and learned from the different cultures, religions and ways of life. Travelling made him the person he is today. And it's the same with crochet… When Mark picks up his crochet hook and starts designing, it's like stepping into another dimension. In Crochet Journey, there are 12 patterns that are based on the remarkable journeys Mark has made. His goal was to visit some of the most interesting places in the world and soak in all the culture, lessons, experiences, and feelings they delivered. Each design in the book is inspired by a cherished memory and takes you on an adventure through the wonderful world of crochet. The patterns feature full written instructions in US crochet terms, charts, and Mark's tips for success. Beautifully presented with stunning photography and Mark's fascinating personal travel stories, this is a crochet experience like no other. Projects include the Rivendell Shawl from New Zealand, the Santa Maria Maggiore Rug from Italy, the Kamakura Pin Cushion from Japan, the Nazar Mandala from Turkey, the Fading Light Scarf from Greenland, the Rituals Pouf from India, La Boca Shawl from Argentina and many more. Get carried away with this unique book and create beautiful crochet items that connect you with the wonder of the world.

Название: Crochet Journey: A Global Crochet Adventure from the Guy with the Hook
Автор: Mark Roseboom
Издательство: David & Charles
Год: 2022
Размер: 175 mb
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 128
Язык: Английский

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