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Cosy Throws and Blankets: 100 Blanket Squares to Knit From Easy to Expert

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Date Дата: 15 января 2023 | Смотрели Cosy Throws and Blankets: 100 Blanket Squares to Knit From Easy to Expert Просмотров: 120
Cosy Throws and Blankets: 100 Blanket Squares to Knit From Easy to Expert

Книга по вязанию спицами уютных накидок и одеял. В этой новой книге Debbie Abrahams предлагает 100 уникальных квадратов, которые можно комбинировать, чтобы создать дюжину потрясающих одеял или накидок. Подробные инструкции даны для каждого квадрата, включая советы экспертов о том, как вязать с несколькими цветами и как персонализировать их с помощью бисера и других украшений.

Originally a follow-up to the outstandingly successful Blankets and Throws, the newly reformatted Cosy Throws & Blankets (previously published as More Blankets and Throws) has over 100 different blanket squares that can be knitted up to create a dozen unique blankets or throws in a variety of styles. More gorgeous blanket squares from bestseller Debbie Abrahams – there’s something for every knitter in this book. In this new book, Debbie Abrahams offers 100 unique blanket squares that can be combined to create a dozen stunning blankets or throws. Full instructions are given for each square, including expert advice on how to knit with several colours and how to personalize them using beads and other embellishments. Clear, step-by-step instructions show you how to piece the squares together to create each blanket, and close-up photos and clear charts mean you can’t go wrong. Follow the patterns given or have fun and create your own designs using the squares. Practise a range of knitting techniques, from intarsia through to textured stitches, and create squares using clean, matt cottons and soft, hairy winter yarns. Be inspired by these beautiful projects from beginners’ basics to advanced challenges.

Название: Cosy Throws and Blankets: 100 Blanket Squares to Knit From Easy to Expert
Автор: Debbie Abrahams
Издательство: Pavilion Books
Год: 2022
Размер: 105 mb
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 128
Язык: Английский

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