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Black Girls Sew: Projects and Patterns to Stitch and Make Your Own

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Date Дата: 22 мая 2023 | Смотрели Black Girls Sew: Projects and Patterns to Stitch and Make Your Own Просмотров: 107
Black Girls Sew: Projects and Patterns to Stitch and Make Your Own

Книга обучает базовым навыкам шитья и принципам дизайна, чтобы читатели могли создавать уникальные образы. То, как мы одеваемся, является средством самовыражения, автор предоставляет проекты по созданию собственных изделий и предлагая исторические взгляды на выдающихся чернокожих деятелей, оказавших влияние на индустрию. Black Girls Sew является руководством для всех, кто интересуется модой, дизайн и формирование их собственного мощного чувства собственного достоинства и стиля.

Black Girls Sew supplies tools, builds skills, and offers encouragement to help young sewists create a powerful sense of self and style Black Girls Sew is a nonprofit organization built on strong messaging: teach and empower young girls to take ownership of and have pride in their clothing. Their first book offers the tools, knowledge, and vocabulary to help young people take back their fashion narrative. Black and brown girls and boys need a space where they do not have to encounter misrepresentation of their culture, and this book provides them with a safe space in which to explore their creativity.
Primarily the book teaches basic sewing skills and design principles so that readers can create one-of-a-kind looks. By encouraging them to follow their curiosity, rather than telling them what to create, Black Girls Sew helps young fashionistas learn to take risks and explore creative play in clothing design. The way we dress is a means of expression, and by encouraging boys and girls to immerse themselves in the world of fashion, providing projects to create their own wares, and offering historical looks at prominent Black figures who have impacted the industry, Black Girls Sew is a guide for all who are interested in fashion, design, and building their own powerful sense of self and style.

Название: Black Girls Sew: Projects and Patterns to Stitch and Make Your Own
Автор: Hekima Hapa
Издательство: Harry N. Abrams
Год: 2022
Размер: 16 mb
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 176
Язык: Английский

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