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International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers. Volume 4. Writers and Production Artists. 4th edition

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Date Дата: 14 мая 2010 | Смотрели International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers. Volume 4. Writers and Production Artists. 4th edition Просмотров: 966
International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers. Volume 4. Writers and Production Artists. 4th edition

Автор: Tom & Sara Pendergast
Название: International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers. Volume 4. Writers and Production Artists
Издательство: St.James Press
Год: 2000
Формат: PDF
Размер: 14.74 Мб
Язык: Английский
Страниц: 987
Международная энциклопедия фильмов и их создателей. Том 4, посященный сценаристам и операторам. В издании представлена информация о 545 личностях из разных стран. В каждой статье представлена краткая биография, полная фильмография, избранные статьи и критические отзывы о данном человеке.
The book contains 545 entries, consisting of a brief biography, a complete filmography, a selected bibliography of works by and about the entrant, and a critical essay written by a specialist in the field. Since film is primarily a visual medium, the majority of entries are illustrated, either by a portrait or by a representative still from the entrant’s body of work.
The entrants in this volume represent a wide range of writers and production artists, including art directors, cinematographers, costume designers, composers (and music directors, arrangers, and lyricists), editors, choreographers, stuntmen, special effects and sound technicians, makeup artists, and animators. The selection of entrants is once again based on the recommendations of the advisory board. It was not thought necessary to propose strict criteria for selection: the book is intended to represent the wide range of interests within North American, British, and West European film scholarship and criticism.
Non-English language film titles are given in the original language or a transliteration of it, unless they are better known internationally by their English title. Alternate release titles in the original language(s) are found within parentheses, followed by release titles in English (American then British if there is a difference) and translations. The date of a film is understood to refer to its year of release unless stated otherwise.

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