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Ancient Athenian Building Methods (Agora Picture Book 21)
Категория: История
Дата: 14 мая 2010 | Просмотров: 891
While this booklet is illustrated solely with materials from the Athenian Agora, it also provides a concise introduction to building styles and techniques that will be useful to anyone interested in ancient Greek architecture. From financing to tools, and from mason’s marks to the clamps that held blocks together, no detail is ommitted in this well-illustrated text. The different parts of monumental buildings, from the foundations to the tile roofs, are all discussed with clear drawings to indicate how the whole was constructed.
Название Ancient Athenian Building Methods (Agora Picture Book 21)
Издательство American School of Classical Studies
Автор Camp, J., Dinsmoor Jr., W. B.
Год 1984
Страниц 36
Размер 10 Mb
Формат PDF
Язык Английский
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