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The Economist June 20 2009
Категория: Журналы бизнес
Дата: 23 июня 2009 | Просмотров: 982
Назва: The Economist
Видавництво: The Economist
Місяць / Рік: june 2009
Сторінок: 146
Формат: PDF
Розмір файлу: 8.6 Мб
Мова: english
The Economist is published weekly by The Economist Group who also publishes European Voice and Roll Call - "the magazine of Capitol Hill." Originally started in 1843 and employing many famous editors throughout the years, The Economist is known for its staunch viewpoints presented in the articles and the lack of a byline tied to most articles. The Economist is targeted at top business executives as well as leaders and political figures worldwide. Published in magazine format, The Economist is actually regarded by many as a newspaper due to its ability to feature many articles in each issue all presenting pressing issues. Topics range from reports of individual countries as well as international business news, new releases in the arts and technology. From national disasters to elections in Japan, as well as international education, business and human rights and Swiss private banks you'll find all the issues affecting our business and economy today. The Economist brings you an international perspective for some of the most important topics that are being discussed today and helps you gain an informed viewpoint and get involved.
The Economist June 20 2009
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