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US Army Gun Heavy Motorized 280mm M65 Atomic Annie

Категория: Журналы военные

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Date Дата: 14 августа 2009 | Смотрели US Army Gun Heavy Motorized 280mm M65 Atomic Annie Просмотров: 1156
US Army Gun Heavy Motorized 280mm M65 Atomic Annie

US Army Gun Heavy Motorized 280mm M65 Atomic Annie (Tankograd Technical Manual 6008)
By Michael ( Ed. ) Franz

Publisher: Tankograd Publishing 2006 52 Pages
ASIN: B000Z1K8U6
The history of the Atomic Cannon reaches back into World War II. In November 1944, the U.S. Army expressed the need for a heavy, mobile long-range artillery weapon for attacking enemy field for-tifications or communication centers and for counterbattery fire on enemy long-range artillery. This requirement led to the initiation of development of the 240mm Gun Tl. In October 1946, the Chief of Ordnance assigned Watertown Arsenal the responsibility to devel-op the carriage and Waterfliet Arsenal the responsibility for devel-opment of the 240mm gun. The final design was approved in May 1947 and in 1950, two prototype 240mm guns had been completed and were tested at Aberdeen Proving Ground.

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