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Mastering Windows Xp Registry

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Date Дата: 11 мая 2010 | Смотрели Mastering Windows Xp Registry Просмотров: 786
Mastering Windows Xp Registry

Expert Advice for Windows XP Power Users
Created for Windows power users and anyone who aspires to be one, Mastering Windows XP Registry provides focused, practical coverage of Windows' most importantand most challengingelement: the registry. Inside, you'll learn to customize Windows XP, optimize the network, and avoid scores of potential disasters, all by working with registry settings. If you're a power user, a system administrator, programmer, or consultant, this guide is absolutely essential.

Название: Mastering Windows Xp Registry
Автор: Hipson P.
Издательство: SYBEX
Год издания: 2002
Страниц: 556
Формат: pdf
Размер: 3,02 Мб

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