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Big Book of Apple Hacks.

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Date Дата: 17 июля 2010 | Смотрели Big Book of Apple Hacks. Просмотров: 1018
Big Book of Apple Hacks.

Название: Big Book of Apple Hacks
Автор: Chris Seibold
Серия: Внесерийное издание
Издательство: O%27Reilly
Год выпуска: 2008 год
Страниц: 643 страниц
Язык: Английский
Формат файла: ZIP/PDF
Размер файла: 32.9 MB
Bigger in size, longer in length, broader in scope, and even more useful than our original Mac OS X Hacks, the new Big Book of Apple Hacks offers a grab bag of tips, tricks and hacks to get the most out of Mac OS X Leopard, as well as the new line of iPods, iPhone, and Apple TV.
With 125 entirely new hacks presented in step-by-step fashion, this practical book is for serious Apple computer and gadget users who really want to take control of these systems. Many of the hacks take you under the hood and show you how to tweak system preferences, alter or add keyboard shortcuts, mount drives and devices, and generally do things with your operating system and gadgets that Apple doesn%27t expect you to do. The Big Book of Apple Hacks gives you:
•Hacks for both Mac OS X Leopard and Tiger, their related applications, and the hardware they run on or connect to
•Expanded tutorials and lots of background material, including informative sidebars
•"Quick Hacks" for tweaking system and gadget settings in minutes
•Full-blown hacks for adjusting Mac OS X applications such as Mail, Safari, iCal, Front Row, or the iLife suite
•Plenty of hacks and tips for the Mac mini, the MacBook laptops, and new Intel desktops
•Tricks for running Windows on the Mac, under emulation in Parallels or as a standalone OS with Bootcamp
The Big Book of Apple Hacks is not only perfect for Mac fans and power users, but also for recent -- and aspiring -- "switchers" new to the Apple experience. Hacks are arranged by topic for quick and easy lookup, and each one stands on its own so you can jump around and tweak whatever system or gadget strikes your fancy. Pick up this book and take control of Mac OS X and your favorite Apple gadget today!
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