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Classic & Contemporary Christmas Cakes

Категория: Кулинария

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Date Дата: 17 мая 2010 | Смотрели Classic & Contemporary Christmas Cakes Просмотров: 864
Classic & Contemporary Christmas Cakes

Автор: Nadene Hurst and Julie Springall
Название: Classic & Contemporary Christmas Cakes
Издательство: Merehurst Limited
Год: 2000
Формат: PDF
Размер: 19.27 Мб
Язык: Английский
Страниц: 106
Книга на английском языке известных английских декораторов кондитерских изделий Надин Хёрст и Джули Спрингэлл, посвященная приготовлению и оформлению рождественских тортов. Представлено около 20 тортов, как с традиционным дизайном, так и совершенно новых. Для украшения тортов используется сахарная помадка.
For the English, sugar paste (fondant) cake decoration is truly an art. Nadiene Hurst and Julie Springall are professional cake decorators in England, specializing in royal icing and sugar paste.
Step-by-step instructions with photos follow ingredient lists so comprehensive they include even the tools and materials necessary to re-create these elaborate cakes. Each cake begins with either a traditional Rich Fruit Cake or an alternative Light Fruit Cake, and you can choose whichever you prefer. A recipe for royal icing is followed by instructions for covering cakes and cake boards and for piping decorations. The designs of the cakes include simple ones like Stars, Trees, Ribbons, and Bells, and more elaborate ones such as Taffeta and Holly, Fruits (made of marzipan), and Christmas Rose (made of gum paste).
Some of the cakes described are timeless. The Crown of Holly, the cover recipe, is beautifully draped with a two-tone yellow sugar paste and a mass of holly leaves and berries made of gum paste. Midnight Snowflakes is simple enough for beginners; covered with dark blue sugar paste, snowflakes made of royal icing are carefully piped on top. There are also modern cakes like the brightly colored Three Kings, which is topped with gold stars springing out on wires, and Festive Drapes, a magnificent creation decorated with gold holly leaves, pearl pears made of marzipan, and red taffeta drapes made of sugar paste.
The recipes are certainly complex and time-consuming, and you'll need to find a good cake-decorating supply store for the tools and materials, but the final results will amaze and astound and be well worth the effort involved.

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