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Candy making for Dummies

Категория: Кулинария

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Date Дата: 26 мая 2010 | Смотрели Candy making for Dummies Просмотров: 797
Candy making for Dummies

Автор: David Jones
Название: Candy making for Dummies
Издательство: Wiley Publishing Inc.
Год: 2005
Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.41 Мб
Язык: Английский
Страниц: 395
Книга на английском языке из серии изданий "для чайников", посвященная приготовлению сладостей. В издании рассказывается о приготовлении кремовых и жевательных десертов, использовании орехов и шоколада, приготовлении праздничных сладостей, даются советы по привлечению к кондитерскому процессу детей, а также по подготовке презентаций собственных изделий.
This book is about basic candy making, and it includes virtually everything you need to know to produce fine candy at home. I tell you where to find utensils, ingredients, packaging materials, and any other essentials that you need to be a happy and prepared candy maker. And in the recipes I provide, I lay out every step you need to follow to produce remarkable results, even if you’ve never cooked before. I also explain the terms of the candy-making trade so you’re down with the lingo.
Whatever the occasion, you’ll find a suitable recipe in this book to satisfy your needs. If you’re looking for something to make for the family, treats to keep around the house, or candies suitable for giving as a special gift, I offer you a variety of recipes to choose among; just follow the simple instructions, and enjoy the candy. With the knowledge of where to find what you need and the methods I describe in this book, you’re well on your way to becoming a skilled candy maker!
One great feature about this book is that it’s written in a modular format, meaning you don’t have to read it from cover to cover (but I certainly don’t mind if you do!). When skills in one chapter are helpful to completing recipes in another chapter, I tell you where to go for that information.

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