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Police Combat Tactics. vol.2 (DVDRip) / 2009

Категория: Здоровье, спорт

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Date Дата: 11 мая 2010 | Смотрели Police Combat Tactics. vol.2 (DVDRip) / 2009 Просмотров: 925
Police Combat Tactics. vol.2 (DVDRip) / 2009

Lieutenant Kevin Dillon is a veteran law enforcement officer and SWAT team commander. In this series, he shares with you the many strategies and tactics he has used in his twenty-three years on the force.
In Police Combat Tactics Two he builds on the tactics and strategies presented in Police Combat Tactics Volume One, teaching you how to effectively neutralize, takedown and handcuff a suspect while minimizing risk to yourself, your team members and innocent bystanders.
This DVD also covers solutions and preventive methods for high risk
situations including:
* Striking to create specific reactions
* Effect target selection during a fight
* Close quarter kicking
* Heel lock center takedown against a resisting suspect
* Rear sentry takedown
* Escapes from common standing holds
* Takedown from a handshake
* Defensive strategies against armed attackers
* Handgun positioning and retention
* Defensive handcuffing tactics
* Teamwork and situational strategy
* Understanding threat levels
* Gross motor skills vs. fine motor skills
* Listening to your instinct
* Angles of attack
* Coping with multiple attackers
* When to employ a first strike
* Dealing with impaired suspects
* Professional demeanor and communication
Автор: Lieutenant Kevin Dillon
Название: Police Combat Tactics. vol.2
Производство: USA
Год: 2009
Продолжительность: 1:24:58,1:16:55
Качество: DVDRip
Формат: AVI
Язык: русский
Размер: 589,84 Мб
Видео кодек: XviD
Аудио кодек: : MP3
Видео: 512X384
Аудио: 128 kbps
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