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Macroporous Polymers: Production Properties and Biotechnological/Biomedical Applications

Категория: Здоровье, спорт

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Date Дата: 11 мая 2010 | Смотрели Macroporous Polymers: Production Properties and Biotechnological/Biomedical Applications Просмотров: 785
Macroporous Polymers: Production Properties and Biotechnological/Biomedical Applications

Macroporous polymers are rapidly becoming the material of choice for many tissue engineering, bioseparation, and bioprocessing applications. However, while important information is scattered about in many different publications, none, to date, have drawn this information together in user-friendly format, until now. Meeting the need for an accessible, organized resource, Macroporous Polymers: Production Properties and Biotechnological/Biomedical Applications supplies a systematic presentation of the production, characterization, and application of these polymers.
The text discusses traditional methods of production, including phase separation polymerization, leaching, foaming, and double emulsion as well as newly merging methods such as cryogelation. The chapters also detail the various applications of macroporous gels for the separation of biomolecules and for the cultivation of mammalian cells in bioreactors and for tissue engineering. The book underscores existing and potential problems while providing a solid background on which to base the evaluation of the scientific and commercial value of new developments.
Название Macroporous Polymers: Production Properties and Biotechnological/Biomedical Applications
Издательство CRC Press
Автор Bo Mattiasson, Ashok Kumar, Igor Yu. Galeaev
Год 2009
Страниц 525
Размер 14 Mb
Формат PDF
Язык Английский

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