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Louis A. - Tarot Plain and Simple

Категория: Учебные пособия

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Date Дата: 25 июля 2018 | Смотрели Louis A. - Tarot Plain and Simple Просмотров: 345
Louis A. - Tarot Plain and Simple

Автор:Anthony Louis
Название:Tarot Plain and Simple / Таро: просто и ясно
ISBN: 1567184006
Размер: 12МВ
Язык: Английский

Об истории и сути Таро простым языком. Все что нужно знать "с нуля" - весьма подробно о значении карт, правильной интерпретации и т.п.
Tarot Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis is the book you've been waiting for! As the title indicates, this book presents the Tarot in clear language that anyone can understand. If you've had trouble learning the Tarot, this book gives the meaning of each and every one of the 78 Tarot cards -- both in simple terms and in-depth ones, both upright interpretations and those for when a card is drawn reversed. Illustrations are from the elegant and mystic Robin Wood Tarot.
This book leaves nothing out! It includes an overview of the history of the Tarot and suggests why this divinatory method works from a scientific point of view. It even includes several spreads and example readings. That way you can see exactly how the Tarot works, how the cards play off of each other and how to give a reading.
Turn to any page and see how you can learn meanings and interpretations. The Five of Cups shows a cloaked person with head down and three of five cups knocked over, spilling their contents. Upright the card means "mourning." But the key words and phrases give you so much more. It can also mean regret, sadness, loss of trust, an emotional letdown, betrayal in love, and much more. How can you tell which expression best fits the card? It depends upon where it falls in the spread and the cards that surround or lead up to it. This is explained in the clear but comprehensive section on Tarot card spreads, and is illustrated in the sample readings.
If you have been waiting for an ideal book to help you learn the Tarot, this is it. The longer you wait, the longer it will be before you can give effective Tarot readings. Get out that Tarot deck and get this book today!

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