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Williams M, Fricker R. - Challenges 4

Категория: Учебные пособия

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Date Дата: 6 января 2011 | Смотрели Williams M, Fricker R. - Challenges 4 Просмотров: 902
Williams M, Fricker R. - Challenges 4

Автор:Williams M, Fricker R.
Название: Challenges 4
Издательство: Лонгман
Год: 2007
Формат: МР3+PDF+ISO
Размер: 595МВ
Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it!
Your students will...
get a clear sense of progress through materials that can be completed in one year
get really involved in their learning with the wealth of information and interesting topics
get a deeper understanding of language through the unique activities on word building and sentence patterns regardless of their activity, be motivated and kept on track thanks to the interesting activities in the magazine section always have vocabulary support on hand with the Picture Dictionary in levels 1 and 2 take control of their learning through tips and strategies throughout the course.

Уважаемые посетители, если вы хотите скачать Williams M, Fricker R. - Challenges 4 и не видите ссылок, то скорее всего наши партнёры(литрес) их не предоставили. Можем предложить купить данное издание.

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