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The Case Book for Russian
Категория: Учебные пособия
Дата: 3 января 2012 | Просмотров: 695
Название: The Case Book for Russian
Автор: Laura A. Janda, Steven J. Clancy
Издательство: Slavica
Год издания: 2002
Страниц: 316
ISBN: 978-0893573072
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: отличное
Размер: 14 Мб
The Case Book for Russian, a textbook and exercises, presents the Russian case system in terms of structured semantic wholes. This method of explanation is easily accessible to students and provides a coherent conceptual framework that accounts for the rich and often confusing details of Russian case usage. Throughout the text, the basic meanings of the cases are illustrated with examples from a large database of Russian prose, compiled specifically for this project. Examples in the text and exercises were taken from a variety of sources (primarily books and newspapers of the past decade) and are representative of multiple genres and fields (fiction, current events, contemporary history, politics, law, economics, science and medicine, etc.).
The aim of the text is to familiarize students with the variety of case usage by using real Russian sentences as opposed to the controlled language of traditional textbook examples. By confronting real case samples in an unadulterated form, students can learn to make sense of the systematic meanings of case in a fashion that will approach the understanding of a native speaker. The accompanying exercises continue the presentation of the text and challenge students to implement the concepts they have learned.
Падежная система русского языка: Основная цель пособия - коррекция и закрепление знаний русской предложно-падежной системы.
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