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Cabin Pressure 3 (Аудиокнига)

Категория: Учебные пособия

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Date Дата: 15 июня 2012 | Смотрели Cabin Pressure 3 (Аудиокнига) Просмотров: 577
Cabin Pressure 3 (Аудиокнига)

Название: Cabin Pressure 3 (Аудиокнига)
Автор: John Finnemor
Исполнители: Benedict Cumberbatch - Martin, Roger Allam - Douglas, Stephanie Cole - Carolyn, John Finnemore - Arthur
Издательство: Harper Audio
Год издания: 2011
Язык: English
Формат: mp3
Битрейт аудио: 96k
Время звучания: 02:48:00
Размер: 113 Мб
1. Qikiqtarjuaq
MJN Air flies a party of tourists near the North Pole. Arthur goes hunting for polar bears, Carolyn for a rogue lemon and Martin for a believable French accent. Meanwhile, Alfred Hitchcock makes a surprise appearance...
2. Paris
When a bottle of highly-expensive whisky goes missing, Martin becomes the Miss Marple of MJN Air with Arthur assisting as his trusty Doctor Watson.
3. Newcastle
Love is in the air, but also unfortunately in a small airport in Birmingham - and Martin has to choose between career, romance and fixing a very small tail-light. With special guests Anthony Head and Mark Williams.
4. Ottery St Mary
Martin is a man with a van, Douglas flies a plane with an otter, and Carolyn dates a pilot with a problem with sheep. And two mysteries solved - the name of Carolyn's dog and the rules of Yellow Car.
5. Rotterdam
It's lifejacket, camera, action as stardom beckons for one of the crew of MJN Air, but who will get to blow the final whistle? And will they look good in a vest?
6. St Petersburg
Some vodka and an unwary bird could spell the end of the line for MJN Air, and when Carolyn meets her ex-husband, the atmosphere turns even icier.

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