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Desk Encyclopedia of General Virology
Категория: Учебные пособия
Дата: 22 сентября 2012 | Просмотров: 650
Название: Desk Encyclopedia of General Virology
Автор: Mahy B., Regenmortel M.
Издательство: Academic Press
Год издания: 2010
Страниц: 663
ISBN: 978-0-12-375146-1
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: отличное
Размер: 14 Мб
Справочное пособие по вирусологии.
Уважаемые посетители, если вы хотите скачать Desk Encyclopedia of General Virology и не видите ссылок, то скорее всего наши партнёры(литрес) их не предоставили. Можем предложить купить данное издание.
Книги из категории Учебные пособия:
Desk Encyclopedia of Animal and Bacterial Virology Справочное пособие по вирусологии. The book is the third of a series of four volumes that reproduce many of the chapters in the third edition of the, edited by Brian W J Mahy and Marc H V van Regenmortel, published by Academic Press/Elsevier 2008. I ... Читать |
Desk Encyclopedia of Plant and Fungal Virology Справочное пособие по вирусологии.It consists of 85 chapters that highlight recent advances in our knowledge of the viruses that infect plants and fungi. The first section of the book, comprising 10 chapters, discusses general topics in plant virolog ... Читать |
Encyclopedia of Virology (3rd ed., Vol. 1-5) Справочник по вирусологии. This third edition of the Encyclopedia of Virology is being published nine years after the second edition, a period which has seen enormous growth both in our understanding of virology and in our recognition of the viruse ... Читать |
Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition, Four-Volume Set, Second Edition The Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition is a superb attempt to incorporate into one three-volume textbook the many elements of the rapidly expanding science of nutrition. The book is timely, given the increased interest in diet and health by the general ... Читать |
Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution Справочник по эволюционной биологии человека. |
Encyclopedia of the Elements В книге приведены термодинамические и физико-химические свойства элементов, история открытия, добыча и применение. |
Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation. Vol.1-6 The articles in The Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation focus on what is currently useful or is likely to be useful in future medicine. They answer the question, What are the branches of medicine and how does technology assist each of ... Читать |
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