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Design Is a Job

Категория: Учебные пособия

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Date Дата: 27 мая 2013 | Смотрели Design Is a Job Просмотров: 570
Design Is a Job

Название: Design Is a Job
Автор: Mike Monteiro
Издательство: A Book Apart, New York
Год издания: 2012
Страниц: 149
ISBN: 978-1-937557-04-1
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: хорошее
Размер: 13 Мб
Co-founder of Mule Design and raconteur Mike Monteiro wants to help you do your job better. From contracts to selling design, from working with clients to working with each other, this brief book is packed with knowledge you can’t afford not to know.
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