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The Snowman and the snowdog

Категория: Учебные пособия

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Date Дата: 30 декабря 2013 | Смотрели The Snowman and the snowdog Просмотров: 556
The Snowman and the snowdog

Название: The Snowman and the snowdog
Автор: Raymond Briggs
Издательство: Puffin
Год издания: 2013
Страниц: 16
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: хорошее
Размер: 24 Мб
One winter's night, a snowman comes to life and an unforgettable adventure begins. Raymond Briggs' favourite classic is a true piece of Christmas magic - narrated entirely through pictures, it captures the wonder and innocence of childhood and is now recognised throughout the world. In 2012 the 30th anniversary of The Snowman was celebrated with a brand new half-hour animation The Snowman and the Snowdog. It introduced a new adorable character, can you guess who? That's right, a lovable snow puppy!
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