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The Slangman Guide to Biz Speak 2 (Audio)

Категория: Учебные пособия

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Date Дата: 9 марта 2014 | Смотрели The Slangman Guide to Biz Speak 2 (Audio) Просмотров: 521
The Slangman Guide to Biz Speak 2 (Audio)

Название: The Slangman Guide to Biz Speak 2 (Audio)
Автор: David Burke
Исполнитель: David Burke
Издательство: Slangman Publisher
Год издания: 2005
Язык: Английский
Формат: MP3
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Время звучания: 02:14:35
Качество: отличное
Размер: 308 Мб
If you don't know the essential American slang and idioms used by all business professionals, you risk embarrassment, loss of respect, and loss of money.
Entertaining dialogues, activities and games will quickly help put you get the inside track...that's slang for "get the advantage"!
The Slangman Guide to BIZ SPEAK 1 contains chapters on slang and idioms associated with:
The Workplace
The Internet
Acronyms & Shortcuts
Popular Abbreviations Used in Business
This book was written by American native and slang expert Slangman David Burke, author of more than 30 books on slang and idioms.
There are no "dirty" or impolite expressions in this book.
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