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Самое интересное
Категория: Учебные пособия |
![]() Книга рассказывает о боевом искусстве монастыря ШаоЛинь "Пять Стихий Восемь Способов". Представлена полная последовательность из ста восьми форм и подробный разбор её практического применения. |
Категория: Учебные пособия |
![]() Даны практические рекомендации по эргономическому обеспечению конструирования, включающему обоснование эргономических требований, последовательность и методы их учёта на стадиях разработки систем человек - машина. Приведены эргономические показатели и предложения по оценке вариантов проектных решений и уровня эргономического качества. |
Категория: Учебные пособия |
![]() "Business Grammar Builder" helps students improve both their grammar and Business English vocabulary. It is designed for students studying at intermediate level or higher and can be used both in the classroom and for self study. 50 units of clearly structured grammar explanations with graded practice exercises set in business contexts; Low to high context exercises, starting with gap-fills and matching activities. Leads into high-context practice based on telephone calls, emails. |
Категория: Учебные пособия |
![]() A first year course in reading, writing and speaking Yiddish for adult students. The fundamentals of standard Yiddish grammar and vocabulary are presented in reading selections, glossaries, grammatical paradigms and exercises. Supplementary readings in English introduce the student to Yiddish language and culture. |
Категория: Учебные пособия |
![]() Organized by such common subjects as Home, Work, Eating Out, Transportation, Health and Sports, these bilingual visual dictionaries give students and business people quick access to foreign terms in the simplest and most intuitive way. |
Категория: Учебные пособия |
![]() Organized by such common subjects as Home, Work, Eating Out, Transportation, Health and Sports, these bilingual visual dictionaries givestudents and business people quick access to foreign terms in the simplest and most intuitive way. Bilingual Dictionary. |
Категория: Учебные пособия |
![]() I didn't expect much when I got this book, but it came up as one of my favorites for learning norsk. I like it better than Colloquial Norwegian or Teach Yourself Norwegian. Lessons are more straightforward, and the vocabulary taught is more useful. Were it a longer book, it would be even better, but that's far away from the Hugo series. |
Категория: Учебные пособия |
![]() Designed to help students of Russian increase their knowledge of wordbuilding and, as a result, increase their vocabulary, "Roots of the Russian Language" includes 450 of the most commonly used roots of the Russian language. After mastering Russian prefixes and suffixes, students develop an ability to construct words and terms from a given Russian root. |
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