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  Ultimate Crochet Bible: A Complete Reference with Step-by-Step Techniques

Категория: Дом и семья, Умелые руки, Хобби и развлечения

Ultimate Crochet Bible: A Complete Reference with Step-by-Step Techniques

“A comprehensive book that belongs on every crafts shelf.” —Booklist The latest fashion magazines are full of crocheted pieces, but beginning stitchers looking to tap into the trend might not know where to start. Ultimate Crochet Bible is the ideal guide for anyone casting the first time, but is also the definitive reference for more experienced practitioners who just need to brush up on a technique. Filled with more than 400 images, it explains exactly how to create garments, jewelry, accessories, and more, from the basic chain stitch to finishing touches like a picot trim. Additional topics include creating texture, structure and shaping, color work, and embellishments.New in paperback.

  50 Knitted Gifts for Year-round Giving Designs for Every Season and Occasion Featuring the Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted

Категория: Дом и семья

50 Knitted Gifts for Year-round Giving Designs for Every Season and Occasion Featuring the Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted

Книга по вязанию. В поисках идеального образа для трикотажа? Нет необходимости искать дальше, благодаря этой книге - идеи для подарка. Вот 50 вдохновенных проектов на все случаи жизни, начиная с Нового года и Дня святого Валентина до Пасхи, Матери и день отца, градация, Хануку, и Рождества. Предметы для украшения дома, игрушки, личные принадлежности, а также одежда, каждая из которых имеет особый праздник и сезонные штрихи.

  30 Knitted Headbands and Ear Warmers: Stylish Designs for Every Occasion

Категория: Дом и семья

30 Knitted Headbands and Ear Warmers: Stylish Designs for Every Occasion

There are so many reasons that headbands, ear warmers, and other types of head wraps are ever-popular! They can be used to keep your hair back, block the wind from your ears during outdoor activities, and add a little warmth without resorting to a hat, all while making a chic fashion statement.This book includes 30 headbands in a variety of styles, from traditional skinny bands to lacy mesh beach bands to colorful wide bands great for outdoor exercise.

  21 Crocheted Tanks + Tunics: Stylish Designs for Every Occasion

Категория: Дом и семья

21 Crocheted Tanks + Tunics: Stylish Designs for Every Occasion

A wide range of styles, from spaghetti straps to V-necks, fitted bottoms to fun flares, close stitching to open patterning suitable for layeringDesigns worked in warm-weather fibers (cotton, linen) that crochet up so lightweight you'll swear they were knittedVersatile designs that work equally well with skinny or relaxed-fit jeans, trousers, shorts, or skirts, whether you're dressing up or going out to play

  10 Granny Squares 30 Blankets: Color schemes, layouts, and edge finishes for 30 unique looks

Категория: Дом и семья

10 Granny Squares 30 Blankets: Color schemes, layouts, and edge finishes for 30 unique looks

Crochet up to 30 creative blankets that start from just 10 granny squares!
The granny square is the perfect foundation for countless projects and is unparalleled for its portability, versatility, and endless variety. Using only 10 granny squares selected from The Granny Square Book and Granny Square Flowers, Margaret Hubert shows how you can crochet 30 completely different blankets. Each square is used three times with different yarns, color schemes, motif arrangements, and edge finishes.

  14 Pretty Pearl Jewelry Patterns for Every Occasion

Категория: Дом и семья

14 Pretty Pearl Jewelry Patterns for Every Occasion

Книга по созданию украшений из жемчуга. 14 замечательных проектов помогут вам создать свою уникальную вещь.

  12 Wedding Jewelry Ideas

Категория: Дом и семья

12 Wedding Jewelry Ideas

Замечательная книга по бисероплетению. 12 проектов к свадьбе! Не пропустите, будущие невесты и просто любители украшений!
This book features twelve projects handpicked by the editors of Beadwork magazine. Advance your skills in beading techniques with a variety of stitches including peyote stitch, square stitch, plus picot, netting, soutache bead embroidery, and more! Use crystals, seed beads, and rhinestones to create head-turning accessories for your special day.

  Lady boutique №4 2018

Категория: Журналы рукоделие, сделай сам

Lady boutique №4 2018

Популярный японский журнал по кройке и шитью с выкройками.
Просматривая этот журнал, можно научиться кроить любые женские и детские вещи. Даже опытные портные найдут немало интересного. Есть инструкции по технологии шитья, советы по адаптации выкройки на индивидуальную фигуру. Ассортимент очень широк; юбки, платья, брюки, пальто, жакеты, шляпки. Все что нужно леди.

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