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Lightning Over Water: Sharpening America's Light Forces for Rapid Missions

Категория: Военная теметика

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Date Дата: 11 марта 2011 | Смотрели Lightning Over Water: Sharpening America's Light Forces for Rapid Missions Просмотров: 757
Lightning Over Water: Sharpening America's Light Forces for Rapid Missions

Автор: Over Water
Название: Lightning Over Water: Sharpening America's Light Forces for Rapid Missions
Издательство: RAND Corporation
Год : 2001
Страниц: 239
ISBN: 0833029479
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,1 Мб
Язык: Английский
Качество: хорошее
As the world continues its post-Cold War thaw, fears of major theater-levelwar have given way to a reality of increased numbers of smaller regionalconflicts and crises. There is a growing need for a quickly deploying,rapid-reaction capability-in particular, U.S. Army light forces-to directlyrespond to these events. To address this need, both the Secretary of theArmy and the Chief of Staff of the Army are calling for developing forcesthat are strategically responsive across the full spectrum of militaryoperations. Although there is new dialogue on what might be done, there isalso considerable research that has examined many of the issues now coming to light, such as, "How might light forces be changed to offer greater rapid-reaction capability?" This executive summary synthesizes research drawn from numerous studies conducted by the authors in the past few years on the topic of improving light air-deployable forces.
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