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Guns for the Tsar: American Technology and the Small Arms Industry in Nineteenth-Century Russia

Категория: Военная теметика

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Date Дата: 16 мая 2011 | Смотрели Guns for the Tsar: American Technology and the Small Arms Industry in Nineteenth-Century Russia Просмотров: 937
Guns for the Tsar: American Technology and the Small Arms Industry in Nineteenth-Century Russia

Автор: Joseph Bradley
Название: Guns for the Tsar: American Technology and the Small Arms Industry in Nineteenth-Century Russia
Издательство: Northern Illinois University Press
Год : 1990
Страниц: 274
ISBN: 0875801544
Формат: pdf
Размер: 107 Мб
Язык: Английский
Качество: хорошее
This is a detailed study of the development of the Russian small arms industry. Humiliated in the Crimean War, Russia turned to the United States for help. Using archival sources, Bradley, author of Muzhik and Muscovite: Urbanization in Late Imperial Russia (Univ. of California Pr., 1985), describes the role of famous gunsmiths like Colt, Smith, and Wesson; they provided Russia with machinery, tools, production techniques, and even workers to build an independent arms industry. Assimilation was only partially successful; an inflexible economy hindered military modernization. A 30-page bibliography and 40 pages of footnotes testify to Bradley's meticulous research and academic style.
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