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Conflict, Culture, and History: Regional Dimensions

Категория: Военная теметика

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Date Дата: 22 ноября 2011 | Смотрели Conflict, Culture, and History: Regional Dimensions Просмотров: 732
Conflict, Culture, and History: Regional Dimensions

Автор: By Stephen J. Blank, et al, Karl P. Magyar
Название: Conflict, Culture, and History: Regional Dimensions
Издательство: Uni..vers..ity Pre..ss of the Pa..cific
Год : 2002
Страниц: 376
ISBN: 1410200485 , 1585660434
Формат: pdf
Размер: 19 Мб
Язык: Англ
Качество: хорошее
Five specialists examine the historical relationship of culture and conflict in various regional societies. The authors use Adda B. Bozeman's theories on conflict and culture as the basis for their analyses of the causes, nature, and conduct of war and conflict in the Soviet Union, the Middle East, Sinic Asia (China, Japan, and Vietnam), Latin America, and Africa. Drs. Blank, Lawrence Grinter, Karl P. Magyar, Lewis B. Ware, and Bynum E. Weathers conclude that non-Western cultures and societies do not reject war but look at violence and conflict as a normal and legitimate aspect of sociopolitical behavior.
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