Электронные Книги:
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  Small arms lexicon and concise encyclopedia

Категория: Военная теметика

Small arms lexicon and concise encyclopedia

To assemble in one place the many terms that comprise the "firearms language" together with brief encyclopedic definitions is the object of this work.

  "Hell, I was there!"

Категория: Военная теметика

"Hell, I was there!"

During his half-century of prolific writing, Keith explored virtually every aspect of the shooting sports and firearms development. His writing style is engagingly coloquial and every bit as concrete as his epistemology.- If Keith wondered how many teeth there were in a Camel's mouth, he would find himself a camel and count 'em.

  The Gun Digest Book of Pistolsmithing

Категория: Военная теметика

The Gun Digest Book of Pistolsmithing

The Art and Science of Handgun Gunsmithing. Techniques, tools, theory, tuning, accurizing.

  The Firearms Dictionary

Категория: Военная теметика

The Firearms Dictionary

Primarily designed for the shooter, hunter, firearms hobbyist, The Firearms Dictionary offers a single source of reference or many of the terms that are either hard to understand or which have never been completely explained in any of the popular texts. The Firearms Dictionary differs from the usual dictionary in that it goes beyond the mere defining of a term or word.

  Home gun care & repair

Категория: Военная теметика

Home gun care & repair

P. O. Ackley one of America's leading technical experts, shows the average gun owner what he can and cannot do safely and adequately at home. "This is certainly not intended to be any sort of gunsmithing book, a brand to which I would most strenuously object," he says.

  Troubleshooting your rifle and shotgun

Категория: Военная теметика

Troubleshooting your rifle and shotgun

How to identify and correct functional problems in your long gun. 87 popular rifles and shotguns with highly detailed, illustrated coverage of how to fix or avoid parts wear, parts breakage and design weaknesses.

  Gun Owner's Book of Care, Repair and Improvement

Категория: Военная теметика

Gun Owner's Book of Care, Repair and Improvement

Why another book on gun care and repair, and why emphasis on the gun owner doing it? As the writer sees it, there exist today several genuine reasons, and tomorrow there will he more.

  Guns and How They Work

Категория: Военная теметика

Guns and How They Work

This book is about how guns work. Leaving aside, for the moment, the moral and psychological aspects, whatever else you may think of firearms you have to admit that they are remarkable mechanical achievements.

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