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Самое интересное
Иосиф Линдер и др. - Диверсанты. Легенда Лубянки – Павел Судоплатов |
Категория: История, Военная теметика |
Основанная на редких архивных документах книга И. Б. Линдера, С. А. Чуркина, Н. Н. Абина рассказывает об отечественной диверсионной и разведывательной школе. О легендарном специалисте тайных операций Павле Судоплатове, о людях, которые работали рядом с ним, выполняя задания исключительной важности и изменяя политический облик мира. |
Rebellion in the Veins: Political Struggle in Bolivia, 1952-1982 |
Категория: Военная теметика |
Bolivia is a country with a reputation. Not so long ago it was for Che Guevara, for whose death its citizens are on occasions held to be collectively responsible. More recently it has been for cocaine. But in general it is for political disorder. Readers of serious newspapers may retain in the back of their minds the fact that the country has experienced a large number of military coups; they will not, in all probability, recall the exact number, but it is very high. Yet, Guevara was an intruder, an Argentine arriving from Cuba to fight an international revolution. The fact that he did not understand Bolivia played an important part in determining that he died there. In recent years production of cocaine has indeed flourished in the east of the country, but while a great many peasant farmers are involved in the cultivation of the coca leaf from which the drug is obtained, the small number of traffickers in cocaine have become a cosmopolitan breed, in no sense representative of the nation as a whole and capable of influencing its government only for a very short period. |
Tupolev - The Man and His Aircraft: The Man and His Aircraft |
Категория: Военная теметика |
A History of the Design Bureau and its Aircraft Yefim Gordon & Vladimir Rigmant The origins of the design bureau that was to bear his name can be traced back to the appointment of Andrey Nikolayevich Tupolev as head of the TsAGI's Aviation Department in 1918. Over the years, nearly 300 projects have evolved within the OKB. Nearly 90 reached the prototype construction stage, with more than 40 types put into series production.In the 1930s, the TB-1 (ANT-4) and TB-3 (ANT-6) bombers, the latter being the world's first heavy strategic bomber, paved the way for the long line of large multi-engined aircraft both civil and military for which the OKB is justly famed. |
The United States Air Force in Southeast Asia 1961 1973 |
Категория: Военная теметика |
The year 1973 saw the end of direct American combat involvement in the Southeast Asia conflict-a conflict sometimes referred to as the Indochina War, the Vietnam War, and by other assorted sobriquets. This is an illustrated account of United States Air Force activities in that war from 1961 to 1973. It makes no pretence of being a comprehensive history of the war, or even of Air Force participation therein-not because it lacks historical authenticity (it contains only verifiable material), but simply because it is, by design, limited in scope and depth |
The Vietnam War: A Concise International History |
Категория: Военная теметика |
The Vietnam War remains a topic of extraordinary interest, not least because of striking parallels between that conflict and more recent fighting in the Middle East. In The Vietnam War, Mark Atwood Lawrence draws upon the latest research in archives around the world to offer readers a superb account of a key moment in U.S. as well as global history. |
Przeglad Konstrukcji Lotniczych (PKL) 8 - Tornado IDS |
Категория: Военная теметика |
Исторя создания, военное применение, фотографии, чертежи. |
Artyleria: Dziala i polowe wyrzutnie rakietowe |
Категория: Военная теметика |
interesujace informacje o systemach artylerii naziemnej, uzywanych przez armie niemal calego swiata- opisy ciagnionych i samobieznych dzial artyleryjnych- dane taktyczno - techniczne dzial i polowych wyrzutni rakietowych- rysunki i zdjecia opisywanych s |
Упущенные возможности Гитлера |
Категория: Военная теметика |
История не знает сослагательного наклонения. Но это вовсе не отменяет столь популярные сейчас исследования на тему: "Что было бы, если бы?.." Что было бы, если бы Гитлер осуществил вторжение в Англию? Что было бы, если бы в августе 41-го он бросил все свои силы на захват Москвы? История Второй мировой войны содержит бесчисленное множество подобных "развилок", и их исследование - вовсе не никчемное любопытство. |
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