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How to Draw Anime & Game Characters

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Date Дата: 11 мая 2010 | Смотрели How to Draw Anime & Game Characters Просмотров: 1558
How to Draw Anime & Game Characters

Название: How to Draw Anime & Game Characters, Vol. 1: Basics for Beginners and Beyond
Автор: Tadashi Ozawa
Издательство: Graphic-Sha
Год: 2001
Страниц: 152
ISBN: 4766111206
Формат: pdf
Размер:5,8 Mb
This exciting new series which may be used in conjunction with How To Draw Manga is a dream-come-true for all aspiring "Anime = Japanese Animation" artists, "Video Game" designers, as well as fans. Volume one introduces the step-by-steps involved in drawing various types of male and female characters, young and old, in the unique "Anime" style whose popularity seems to be growing by the day. Moreover, it provides detailed explanations how to bring out certain personality traits through facial features, anatomy, wardrobe as well as accessories. This will be one "Hot" book for all "Anime" fans.
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