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Introduction to Game Programming with C++

Категория: Программирование

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Date Дата: 20 июня 2009 | Смотрели Introduction to Game Programming with C++ Просмотров: 1223
Introduction to Game Programming with C++

Автор: Alan Thorn
Назва: Introduction to Game Programming with C++
Видавництво: Wordware Publishing
Рік: 2007
Формат: pdf
Розмір: 6,3 Mb
Introduction to Game Programming with C++ is an exciting book for readers with no previous experience in game development. Starting from the basics of C++ and ending with the intracies of real-time 3D graphics, this book explores the interesting world of game making. It explains how to program, explores the meaning of object-oriented programming, and examines game algorithms, 2D and 3D games, sound and music, and how to create game installers. Overall, this book will introduce you to the world of game development and get you started on the right path to making games that sell.
Introduction to Game Programming with C++

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