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The Art of Game Design

Категория: Дизайн и графика

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Date Дата: 31 мая 2010 | Смотрели The Art of Game Design Просмотров: 1097
The Art of Game Design

Автор: Jesse Schell
Название: The Art of Game Design
Издательство: Elsevier Inc.
Год: 2008
Формат: PDF
Размер: 5.45 Мб
Язык: Английский
Страниц: 518
Книга на английском языке, посвященная разработке и дизайну электронных игр. В издании рассматривается весь процесс создания новой игры: выбор типа игры, разработка идеи, сценария, элементов игры, перснажзей, интерфейса, документации, выбор технологии для реализации, вопросы, связанные с распространением игры и получением дохода и т.п.
Anyone can master the fundamentals of game design no technological expertise is necessary. The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses shows that the same basic principles of psychology that work for board games, card games and athletic games also are the keys to making top-quality videogames. Good game design happens when you view your game from many different perspectives, or lenses.
1. In the Beginning, There Is the Designer
2. The Designer Creates an Experience
3. The Experience Rises Out of a Game
4. The Game Consists of Elements
5. The Elements Support a Theme
6. The Game Begins with an Idea
7. The Game Improves Through Iteration
8. The Game is Made for a Player
9. The Experience is in the Player’s Mind
10. Some Elements are Game Mechanics
11. Game Mechanics Must be in Balance
12. Game Mechanics Support Puzzles
13. Players Play Games Through an Interface
14. Experiences Can be Judged by Their Interest Curves
15. One Kind of Experience Is the Story
16. Story and Game Structures can be Artfully Merged with Indirect Control
17. Stories and Games Take Place in Worlds
18. Worlds Contain Characters
19. Worlds Contain Spaces
20. The Look and Feel of a World Is Defined by Its Aesthetics
21. Some Games are Played with Other Players
22. Other Players Sometimes Form Communities
23. The Designer Usually Works with a Team
24. The Team Sometimes Communicates Through Documents
25. Good Games Are Created Through Playtesting
26. The Team Builds a Game with Technology
27. Your Game Will Probably Have a Client
28. The Designer Gives the Client a Pitch
29. The Designer and Client Want the Game to Make a Profit
30. Games Transform Their Players
31. Designers Have Certain Responsibilities
32. Each Designer has a Motivation
33. Goodbye

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