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XNA 2.0 Game Programming Recipes (A Problem-Solution Approach).

Категория: Программирование

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Date Дата: 25 июля 2010 | Смотрели XNA 2.0 Game Programming Recipes (A Problem-Solution Approach). Просмотров: 1013
XNA 2.0 Game Programming Recipes (A Problem-Solution Approach).

Название: XNA 2.0 Game Programming Recipes (A Problem-Solution Approach)
Автор: Riemer Grootjans
Серия: Внесерийное издание
Издательство: Apress
Год выпуска: 2008 год
Страниц: 638 страниц
Язык: Английский
Формат файла: RAR/PDF
Размер файла: 4.1 MB
Join the game development revolution today! XNA greatly simplifies the development of your own games, lowering the barrier for programmers to get into game development. In XNA, you can start coding your games from the very start, a true revelation compared to other game programming environments. XNA doesn%27t sacrifice power for this ease of use - it is built entirely on DirectX technology.
XNA expert Riemer Grootjans brings together a selection of the hottest recipes in XNA programming for the Windows PC and Xbox360 console. Advanced XNA programmers, experienced coders new to games development, and even complete beginners will find XNA 2.0 Game Programming Recipes an invaluable companion when building games for fun or as commercial products.
What you’ll learn
XNA 2.0 Game Programming Recipes covers virtually every feature of the XNA 2.0 framework. It focuses primarily on 2D and 3D graphics programming, but other game programming features such as Audio playback and Networking are also discussed in detail.
These are some of the topics that are being covered in-depth:
* How to create 2D graphics
* 3D rendering techniques at various levels of difficulty
* Loading, rendering and animating 3D Models
* To read input devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Xbox360 Controller
* Use Audio to spice up your game
* Add Networking to your game to challenge your friends
* Learn about the architectural XNA features, such as GameComponents
* The Content pipeline: one of the 3 major components in XNA Game Development
* A whole list of HLSL techniques!

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