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Anna Acevedo, Marisol Gower - Reading and writing skills 1
Категория: Аудио- изучение языков
Дата: 11 марта 2019 | Просмотров: 462
Автор:Anna Acevedo, Marisol Gower
Название:Reading and writing skills 1
ISBN: 0582v332338
Размер: 56МВ
Язык: Английский
Strategic Reading 1 is a new low-intermediate to intermediate reading skills text for adult and young-adult learners of English as a Second or Foreign Language.
Strategic Reading 1 is designed to build the reading skills and vocabulary that students need to achieve academic success. The book contains 16 units on contemporary themes.
Each unit contains three multiple-genre readings adapted from authentic sources such as newspapers, magazines, books, and websites. Units open by introducing new vocabulary and asking students thought-provoking questions related to the unit theme. On the page opposite the readings are exercises that develop student interest in the theme, provide practice in a variety of text-appropriate reading skills, and offer opportunities for discussion and/or writing. The final page features vocabulary expansion activities and suggestions for extension activities, which can be completed either inside or outside the classroom.
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