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Inside Reading 1 – 4. The Academic Word List in Contest

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Date Дата: 5 октября 2017 | Смотрели Inside Reading 1 – 4. The Academic Word List in Contest Просмотров: 452
 Inside Reading 1 – 4. The Academic Word List in Contest

Автор:Zimmerman C. B.
Название: Inside Reading 1 – 4. The Academic Word List in Contest
Издательство: Оксфорд
Год: 2009
Формат: ISO+PDF
Размер: 789МВ
Язык: Английский

Отличный курс по изучению английского языка. Enables students to deal effectively with academic texts while familiarizing students with the complete Academic Word List.
There is a natural relationship between academic reading and word learning. Inside Reading is a four-level reading and vocabulary series designed to use this relationship to best advantage. With the dual focus of better equipping students to interact with academic texts and helping them fully acquire vital academic vocabulary, Inside Reading gives students the tools they need to succeed in their academic careers. Through principled instruction and practice with reading strategies and skills, students will increase their ability to comprehend reading material. Likewise, through a principled approach to the complex nature of vocabulary knowledge, learners will better understand how to make sense of the complex nature of academic word learning.
Key features:
* High-interest texts from academic content areas, such as psychology, engineering, the arts, computer science, and biology.
* Reading skills relevant to the academic classroom, such as inference, working with graphs and tables, annotation, and recognizing context clues.
* Systematic acquisition of the entire Academic Word List through targeted receptive and productive activities.
* Student Pack includes CD-ROM with additional vocabulary practice.
* Instructor Pack includes answer key, notes, and Diploma 6.5 Test Generator CD-ROM.
Inside Reading 1 - 4: Book, Instructor's Pack (ответы), Student CD ROM, Test Generator CD ROM.
Inside Reading 1: Student Pack 978-0-19-441612-2, Instructor's Pack 978-0-19-441620-7;
Inside Reading 2: Student Pack 978-0-19-441613-9, Instructor's Pack 978-0-19-441621-4;
Inside Reading 3: Student Pack 978-0-19-441614-6, Instructor's Pack 978-0-19-441622-1;
Inside Reading 4: Student Pack 978-0-19-441615-3, Instructor's Pack 978-0-19-441623-8.

Уважаемые посетители, если вы хотите скачать Inside Reading 1 – 4. The Academic Word List in Contest и не видите ссылок, то скорее всего наши партнёры(литрес) их не предоставили. Можем предложить купить данное издание.

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