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Developments in Atmospheric Science

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Date Дата: 23 марта 2012 | Смотрели Developments in Atmospheric Science Просмотров: 941
Developments in Atmospheric Science

Название: Developments in Atmospheric Science
Издательство: Elsevier
Год : 1998
Страниц: 411
ISBN: 0444829253
Формат: PDF
Размер: 21,7 Мб
Язык: английский
Качество: хорошее
This is a useful microphysics handbook for conservators and specialists in physics, chemistry, architecture, engineering, geology and biology dealing with the environment and works of art. A rigourous treatment and a background familiarity with the underlying physics behind mathematics are covered, giving a detailed description and interpretation of the main microphysical phenomena, removing unsound popular beliefs. The basis are given for non-destructive diagnostics to evaluate causes of damage determined by atmoshpheric factors, as well as negative consequences of the unsound use of technology and mass tourism.
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