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Категория: Естественные науки |
![]() Содержание книги показывает, как советский народ использует атомную энергию в мирных целях, и прежде всего для развития энергетики, а также для повышения эффективности производства, научных исследований и разработок, для повышения эффективности сельскохозяйственного производства, в здравоохранении. |
Категория: Учебные пособия, Естественные науки |
![]() Описаны инструменты и методы подготовки трупного материала к препарированию, приемы препарирования соединения костей, мышц, пищеварительного, дыхательного и мочеполового аппарата, сердечно-сосудистой и нервной системы системы, органов чувств, методика приготовления препаратов. |
Категория: Естественные науки |
![]() In The Handbook of Portfolio Mathematics, Vince outlines the essential elements found in his first three groundbreaking books. Portfolio Management Formulas, The Mathematics of Money Management, and The New Money Management.The Mathematics of Money Management, and The New Money Management—and then presents you with new insights that will allow you to implement his ideas in real-world trading situations. For instance, this book discusses drawdown beyond any discussion of drawdown to date. Vince's new portfolio model, the Leverage Space Model, uses drawdown as its risk metric, as opposed to conventional methods which use variance in returns. The result is a portfolio model far superior to any of its predecessors—some of which have been in use throughout the industry for over half a century. |
Категория: Естественные науки |
![]() This comprehensive text provides basic fundamentals of computational theory and computational methods. The book is divided into two parts. The first part covers material fundamental to the understanding and application of finite-difference methods. The second part illustrates the use of such methods in solving different types of complex problems encountered in fluid mechanics and heat transfer. The book is replete with worked examples and problems provided at the end of each chapter. |
Категория: Естественные науки |
![]() Chemistry in the hands of Engineers!” This mantra, initiated and developed largely in the research programs of academic chemical engineers over the last few decades, has now made its way into the core undergraduate curriculum in the form of a new Chemical Reaction Engineering textbook |
Категория: Естественные науки |
![]() This best-selling text, GENERAL CHEMISTRY by Whitten/Davis/Peck/Stanley, is best summarized by "classic text, modern presentation." This simple phrase underlies its strong emphasis is on fundamental skills and concepts. As in previous editions, clearly explained problem-solving strategies continue to be the strength of this student-friendly text. |
Категория: Естественные науки |
![]() Human Growth and Development pulls together information from leading experts in a variety of fields to create a one-volume resource on the human growth stages, environmental effects, and the research methods scientists should use. This text promises to be a great course-planning guide for instructors in various medical and scientific fields in addition to a thorough reference for further research. |
Категория: Естественные науки |
![]() This is a useful microphysics handbook for conservators and specialists in physics, chemistry, architecture, engineering, geology and biology dealing with the environment and works of art. A rigourous treatment and a background familiarity with the underlying physics behind mathematics are covered, giving a detailed description and interpretation of the main microphysical phenomena, removing unsound popular beliefs. |
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